Support for companies expanding into Vietnam

Overseas expansion
From the stage of considering entry to business development We provide one-stop service.

From the stage of considering entry to business development
We provide one-stop service.

Investment is progressing in Vietnam, which has the potential to become the center of Asia due to various factors such as being a country with a strong affinity for Japan. As the number of industrial parks increases and infrastructure development progresses, more and more companies are moving into Vietnam, mainly in the IT and manufacturing industries. In recent years, the expansion of retail and service industries has become noticeable due to the increase in national income. Our company provides expansion consulting services with a support system in both Japan and Vietnam through collaboration with law firms and other organizations.

Providing one-stop service

One-stop service

We provide optimal one-stop service with a wide range of carriers and know-how.

The procedures for expanding overseas, especially in Asia, are complex, time-consuming, and labor-intensive. In addition, after entering the country, it is necessary to prepare labor management, contracts, tax affairs, etc. in the local language, and incorrect procedures may lead to administrative penalties. At our company, we provide one-stop practical support to reduce various risks for customers when expanding into Vietnam and to efficiently proceed with procedures and system development.


Providing one-stop service
  • Before entering the market
  • Before entering the market
  • Before entering the market
    • Consideration of partner companies
    • Collecting local information and market information
    • Consideration and decision of expansion plan
    • Human resources, recruitment
    • Office environment improvement
    • Sales system development
    • Personnel, adoption
    • Office environment improvement
    • Establishment of sales system
Our service
  • We will support the above concerns and issues through web conferences, provide information, and provide on-site support.

  • Our office provision and practical support (Vietnam)

  • Practical support through partnership with an accounting firm (Vietnam)



Abundant young, knowledgeable and high-quality human resources

Vietnam is rich in agricultural resources, primarily rice and coffee cultivation. It is also rich in tourist resources and has become a popular tourist destination in recent years. In recent years, prices in Vietnam are said to be on the rise, but they are still about one-third of prices in Japan. According to JETRO statistics in 2022, the average monthly income in Ho Chi Minh City, the highest income city in Vietnam, is VND 9.1 million (approximately 52,800 yen).

Abundant high-quality human resources

Abundant high-quality human resources

Low employment costs

Resources are abundant, prices are low, and employment costs are low.

Vietnam is rich in agricultural resources, primarily rice and coffee cultivation. It is also rich in tourist resources and has become a popular tourist destination in recent years. In recent years, prices in Vietnam are said to be on the rise, but they are still about one-third of prices in Japan. According to JETRO statistics in 2022, the average monthly income in Ho Chi Minh City, the highest income city in Vietnam, is VND 9.1 million (approximately 52,800 yen).


Low employment costs


Growth continues to rise, with national policies providing a tailwind

Vietnam’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate remains at over 7%. Although the Asian currency crisis of 1997 caused a temporary slowdown, and the growth rate fell to 4.8% in 1999, Vietnam has maintained stable economic growth over the past 15 years. Although there was a slight decline during the corona period, the real GDP growth rate for FY2022 was recorded at 8.02%.

Stable economic growth

Stable economic growth

Customer's voice

Retail industry
Purpose of entering Vietnam: Expanding our products in Vietnam
  • Industry


  • Base area

    Head office: Tokyo Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh/Hanoi

  • Assignment

    Vietnam business expansion plan, investment profitability, market development, sales business alliance, production base development

I was able to complete almost all assignments smoothly.
We felt stuck in promoting our own plans and gathering information, so we asked them to participate in the project as external staff. The specific proposals and advice regarding expansion and the accuracy of the local information provided were impeccable, and we were able to proceed with almost all issues smoothly.

Consultation is here