Trade with Japan for cosmetics, etc.

Trade with Japan
Spreading Japan’s high-quality products to the world and enriching the lives of Vietnam and Japan

Spreading Japan’s high-quality products to the world and enriching the lives of Vietnam and Japan

We are working to match safe and secure products from Vietnam and Japan with the local market needs and laws and regulations that differ from country to country, and to demonstrate our stance of growing and prospering together with our customers in overseas imports and exports. In the Vietnam region, we would like to maximize the functionality of the import/export platform we have built with our local subsidiaries and Japanese affiliates to further enrich the local Japanese and Vietnamese product markets.

As a bridge between Japan and Vietnam's excellent products

Trade between Japan and Vietnam

The origin of the service is the function of “delivering what you want to the people who want it”

Our business partners span a wide variety of industries, including cosmetics, apparel, and miscellaneous goods. Wholesaling is all about what sells, how to sell, and how to attract customers. We work together with our customers by providing support for safety and security at manufacturing sites and product development, as well as understanding the diverse needs of our customers and creating and providing services, products, and logistics. Our origin lies in the ability to “deliver the products you want to the people who want them.”


As a bridge between Japan and Vietnam's excellent products

One-stop service with low trading risk

One-stop service
We help you efficiently expand your trade with Vietnam while minimizing costs and risks.

There is always a high degree of risk involved in doing business with foreign countries, where business customs, culture, and language may differ. However, when doing business with Vietnam, which is a pro-Japanese country, having a reliable partner can greatly reduce transaction risks. By providing one-stop support from both Vietnam and Japan, we can offer better services to our customers.

Within Japan
  • Documents for import and export
  • Product delivery/reception at designated location
Our company
Our company
  • Logistic arrangements
  • Contracts and transactions with Vietnamese companies
  • Export/import procedures
Local company
Local company
  • Documents for import and export
  • Product delivery/reception at designated location

Supporting import and export of products at low cost

Low-Cost service
Full support for wholesale sales to Vietnam and purchasing from Vietnam, from local research to intermediation with vendors.

For products that are being considered for sale in Vietnam, we will support everything from market research to intermediation with local logistics companies.
In addition, if you are considering purchasing Vietnamese products, we will support you from researching related products to negotiating purchasing.
Rather than having to go through the trouble of conducting on-site surveys, setting up an office in Vietnam, and sending out human resources, clients can significantly reduce these costs and risks by outsourcing to us.


In Vietnam, women are actively participating in society, and the cosmetics market is expected to expand further.


Vietnam is attracting attention not only as an apparel manufacturing base but also as a consumer market.


Vietnamese people have become more comfortable in their lives due to economic development, and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they are becoming more health-conscious.

Customer's voice

Cosmetics sales business
Purpose of using the service: I was attracted to Vietnam's sales channels
  • Industry

    Apparel manufacturing

  • Base area

    Head office: Tokyo Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh/Hanoi

  • Assignment

    Vietnam business expansion plan, investment profitability, market development, sales business alliance, production base development

I was able to complete almost all assignments smoothly.
We felt stuck in promoting our own plans and gathering information, so we asked them to participate in the project as external staff. The specific proposals and advice regarding expansion and the accuracy of the local information provided were impeccable, and we were able to proceed with almost all issues smoothly.

Consultation is here